Writing Coach

Whether you have half a novel written and feel stuck or simply aren’t sure how to get started,
I can guide you step by step through the process of writing your whole book.


Manuscript Review

Your first draft is finished and now you are ready for notes.
You’d like to focus on the “big picture” rather than the minutiae of every line and how it’s written,
and want a thorough discussion of what works and doesn’t work in the book.


Line Editing

Your first draft is complete and you would like meticulous line-by-line editing for word choice including revision suggestions and everything in a manuscript review and detailed editorial letter.



You have a fantastic idea for a nonfiction book and want to go over your proposal for agents and publishers,
polish it, and make sure it looks professional and is taken seriously.
If you want me to write this completely, a different price for the work would apply.


Query Letter

There is both an art and a science to crafting a perfect query letter.
I can help you target your audience and polish that ask.


Recommend Agents

I have personal relationships in the publishing industry
and I’m more than happy to make introductions when products and people match up.


Personally Tailored Service

Fees are determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the scope and complexity of the material,
and an estimate of how many hours the project will take to complete.


A personally tailored service to fit your needs: Let’s discuss what you have in mind!